Thursday, February 12, 2015

Twins 10 month update

The twins turned 10 months on January 27th!  

2 days after Christmas all 4 of us got sick with the stomach bug. Tyler vomited for the first time.  The boys were troopers.  Thankfully it didn't last too long (one day of sickness, another of rest and recovery).  Kyle had it the mildest.

He loves to yell “Eh!” at everything. He learned to smack his lips together. He is a messy eater because he likes to shove his hand in his mouth after every spoonful! He likes to hog the Wabbanubs/pacifiers and uses any of them. Sometimes he will hold one in each hand and alternate sucking on them.  He started balancing while standing and did it for atleast a minute a couple times! Kyle also leans his head back when he wants you to flip him upside down. He laughs easily in anticipation of your finger about to tickle under his chin. At his 10 month well visit, Kyle was 18 lbs, 13 oz (25th percentile) and 28.5” long (50th percentile).

He observes things and find the littlest piece of lint on the carpet or the little ribbon on my slippers to play with. He likes to bounce – while standing (holding on to something) or sitting, especially to music. He is balancing while standing too, for a few seconds at a time. Tyler loves his Lion Wabbanub and will fuss until he gets it. He prefers it over all the other pacifiers. He plays peekaboo with doors and curtains. At his 10 month well visit, Tyler was 17 lbs and 27.5” long (10th percentile for both).

They love standing and playing at the coffee table.

A girls night out with my sister before the next baby arrives!

They both love blowing raspberries and “talking” back and forth to each other, especially during meal time. They are getting the hang of drinking from their sippy cups. They like their activity tables, wooden puzzles, books, pushing things down, opening and closing things on toys... Kyle sometimes puts the puzzle pieces in his mouth like a pacifier. They LOVE to play with door stops! They discovered the dish washer when it was open too.
Love their activity tables.



Other highlights:

We went to Longwood Gardens to see the Christmas display. They boys got a lot of ooo's and aaah's as we walked around.  It was a wonderful evening!

We went to a friend's house for New Year Eve and the boys slept in their carseats in a bedroom the ENTIRE party (8pm-1:30am). We had fun but were exhausted the next day! Sean and I took turns watching the boys and napping the next day.
We celebrated Josie's 2nd birthday with a Hello Kitty themed party.
My niece!

The boys playing at Josie's birthday party.

We also found out some exciting news this month!  Sean's sister is due with a baby GIRL in early June!  She came over with two special cupcakes that revealed the gender to us.  :)

We had a playdate with baby Guilianna and Amanda Ferraoli, a friend from work.

As I already mentioned, we started a new year.  2015.  I was somewhat sad to say goodbye to 2014.  It was such an incredible and life changing year.  My desire to become a mother was fulfilled.  A new year means my babies are getting closer to turning 1.  (Slow down please!)  At the same time, it is such an honor to watch them discover and learn new things constantly.  I have loved every stage and will continue to I'm sure!  My heart is bursting with love and gratitude for our double blessings.  It is just the best!