Sunday, July 13, 2014

twins 3 month update

twins 3 month update
May 27, 2014

I can't believe it's been 3 months already! I feel like so much changed during this past month too.

On May 28, we had a special visit from the twins Great-Great Aunt Ollie. She is my mom's aunt and she loves babies! She came with my parents for a visit and it was very enjoyable!

We had your 2 mo. well visit on June 2 and Kyle weighed 7 lbs and Tyler weighed 6 lbs 9 oz. The Dr. said we needed to start supplementing right away and come back in a week for weight check. If they didn't gain, they'd need to see a specialist. I didn't want to go down that road! We took 2 cans of formula home and I fought back my tears until we got in the car. I can't quite explain what I was so upset about but I didn't like hearing that I needed to supplement. I was proud of the fact that I was exclusively breastfeeding my twins. I cried a lot that day and called a lactation consultant and tried to figure out what to do. Did I have any other options? I finally decided to give them their first bottles before bed that night.  I quickly learned there is no shame in needing to supplement.  Why do we get so crazy about this?  (*ahem*pride*ahem*)

That first week of supplementing was busy as I was tandem feeding them, then bottle feeding them. At their next weight check Kyle was 7 lbs, 14 oz. And Tyler was 7 lbs 5 oz! They gained 12-14 oz. in a week! Needless to say the Dr. and everyone was very happy.  They also got their first vaccines at this visit.  I was torn with that whole topic and read some of Dr. Sear's "The Vaccine Book".  I think we fall somewhere in the middle and decided to be selective in the ones we get.  I was nervous but both babies fell asleep and barely flinched at the shot!  

Pediatrician Appointment
Kyle (L), Tyler (R)

A slightly different feeding routine was then suggested to me and it has worked great. Each feeding, I nurse one baby and bottle feed the other. Then next feeding I switch and keep alternating babies each time. I also started pumping more, taking Fennel Essential Oil and doing anything I could to keep my milk supply up. We also got a bunch of milk donated from a couple friends which is awesome and such a blessing!

Other highlights:

June 9 – Josie and Sharon visited at our house.  We went for a walk and to the playground.

June 15 was Sean's first Father's Day. We went to church, and lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings – one of Sean's favorite places. Later we went to Sean's parents for dinner. 

On June 9 (10 ½ weeks old) the babies slept 6 hours straight in their crib for the first time! Very exciting!

On June 12 (11 weeks old) we started a bedtime routine (bath, feed, swaddle, crib) and since then we have been putting them to bed around 8 each night. They usually go in their crib awake but drowsy and fall asleep within a few minutes. They are still in one crib.

I went back to work on June 18-20. They were all in-service days so I didn't see my students. It was actually a nice break from being home and nice to reconnect with teachers and friends. I'm actually glad I had to go back because it gave me a feel for the fall and I don't feel so out of the loop. 

June 21 – We went to a Mardi Grah party in Mohnton and saw Sean's cousin Lori and her family. They had a rockin fiddle band from New Orleans and a moon bouncer (which Sean and I jumped in with Regan right before we left!). So fun!

June 24 - I took the twins to my sister Sharon's house for a visit.  We had a great time!  It was fun to watch my niece play with all of her outdoor toys.

I started putting 0-3 mo. clothes on them at 11.6 weeks. Some of the outfits are a little big so depending on the sizing, I am using some Newborn, some 0-3.

Kyle and Tyler have become even more aware of their surroundings. They are now more interested in their toys that hang over them on the activity mats, pack and play and bouncer seats. They've discovered their hands and put them in their mouths more. Kyle found his thumb and will suck on it for a few seconds here and there. They are smiling a lot more. It is the sweetest thing! I am savoring every stage and often think “they will never be this little again!”

They've continued to sleep longer at night.  Woohoo!

I weigh them with my home scale once/week and they've continued to gain. At 3 months old (June 27) Kyle was 9 lbs 8 oz and Tyler was 9 lbs. They are filling out more and getting those double chins. :)