Saturday, November 29, 2014

Twins 8 month update

Twins 8 month update!  (October 27- November 27)

 The day Kyle turned 7 months old, he started creeping forward on the carpet to get a laptop cord.  Oh boy, here we go!

First Halloween!
We were out of town so we didn't do anything but put these Halloween sleepers on them.

Friendsgiving with your buddy James (and his mom Allison)!

On Nov. 1 I noticed Tyler had two bottom teeth!  I didn’t even realize they were about to pop through.  He wasn't any more fussy than normal.  No teeth for Kyle yet.

The boys love to watch their cat Nala and laugh at her.  
They take baths in the tub now on their turtle sponge and love the water!
Tyler started sleeping on his side and belly, like Kyle does.
We are using sleep sacks instead of swaddles and the boys move around in their cribs more.  They sleep from about 8pm-6am.  So thankful for that!!!  If they wake up, we put their pacifiers in and they fall back asleep.

Nov. 20: Kyle started crawling on his hands and knees.  He’s been improving his skills since.

Discovering leaves for the first time.


Nov. 26:  The boys’ first snow.  We only got 2-4” of heavy wet snow so it wasn’t ideal to go out in, but we got a few pictures.

Kyle also pulled himself up to stand in his crib so we lowered it a notch.


They are definitely getting more active.  Kyle especially is always moving and trying to get somewhere.  As Sean said, he went from being a potted plant to a rugrat!  He’s been very happy and smiles a lot.  He's having fun and is proud of himself!  Tyler is still a "potted plant" much of the time but will rock on his hands and knees a little and roll around.  He also loves to bounce.  They love the jumper-exersaucer.  They can go from sitting to on their bellies.  Tyler loves to sit at his piano and Kyle will kneel on the opposite side and they both bang on it.

8 month well visit.
Kyle: 17 lbs, 1 oz. and 27 1/2" long.

 Tyler: 15 lbs, 12 oz. and 27 1/2" long.

They are in 6 mo. clothes, size 3 diapers. 



Thursday, November 6, 2014

Twins 7 month update!

(September 27-October 27)

Kyle and Tyler started sitting on their own this month, eating solids (purees), and are happy boys! When we put them down on their backs, they immediately flip onto their bellies. They spin around in circles on their bellies, playing with toys. They get up on their hands and knees and rock back and forth. Kyle started doing this first and does it more often than Tyler. Kyle also sticks his arms straight out and kicks his legs – only his belly touches the floor. He constantly turns over on the changing table now too. They are sitting up better every day. We put the boppys around them to support them and cushion any falls. Kyle also started doing a fake cough for attention and his cry sounded like “dada” a few times. Tyler likes to slap his hand on things – the table, a book, almost anything. Future drummer? It's really cute.  Tyler sometimes pants like a dog and screams really loud when he's excited.

We went to Ikea and Kyle used a high chair for the first time and loved it!
The boys wearing their sweaters that were hand-made by Sean's cousin Helene's grandma.

We took the boys to Highland Orchards one evening to get photos with pumpkins.

Even in just one month...they change so much and are doing new things or improving their skills. We started food when they turned 6 months old. Tyler didn't like it the first few times but after about a week or so – he was a pro. Kyle loved eating from the beginning.

Oct 5: We separated the twins for the first time.  I went to a friend's baby shower and grocery store with Tyler, and Sean went to Buffalo Wild Wings with Kyle and then to Ryne's to watch football.  It felt so weird to only have ONE baby but it was SO much easier!  

Oct 9: Our friends from church who moved to CA last summer were in town We got to hang out and have all of our babies together for the first time!  It was so special!  

Oct. 12:  We went to Kerr Park for the first time.  
First time in a swing!

Now that it is getting colder and they have outgrown their swaddles, we just switched to sleep sacks. Having their arms free does help because they can put their pacifiers in their own mouths.  Recently, Kyle has preferred sleeping on his side. He will fall asleep on his left side, pacifier in mouth. It's SO cute.    He is usually on his belly in the morning.  Tyler likes to sleep on his back and will often watch himself in his crib mirror until he falls asleep.

Oct 21: The boys had their first bath in the bath tub (not kitchen sink) when Nana and Pappy were here. I have since used the infant tub in the bath tub to give them baths one at a time. They like to splash in the water.

My sister and her husband had a Harvest party so we dressed the boys up in their costumes.  Charlie Brown and Linus. :)  

We are also SUPER excited that they will be getting a new cousin in February and my niece Josie will be a big sister!!

We are absolutely loving this stage (and have loved every stage)! They are rolling, sitting up, eating, playing (and not too mobile yet) and are just so much fun! :)

At 7 months old, Kyle weighed 16 lbs, and Tyler weighed 14 lbs 12 oz.