Saturday, August 2, 2014

twins 4 month update

twins 4 month update


You are grabbing your monkey Wabbanub and pulling you Pacifier out. But that's okay because you find your thumb and fingers to shove in your mouth instead. You're grabbing at your toys more and holding a toy with some help.
You started making some new cooing sounds when you're excited. 
I think you are a “Seer” and will be a visionary person. You have a passionate heart like your Daddy. You like baths in the kitchen sink. You're very alert and follow people with your eyes. You like to sit up and see everything going on around you.  On July 28, you weighed 10 lbs 11 oz and are 23 3/4 “ long.


I heard you really laugh for the first time on July 4.   It's the best!  You like to kick or “pump” your legs. You are very talkative these days! I thought you were the quiet one but you have been the opposite of quiet this month! You have found your voice and like to hear yourself talk.  Your personality is showing more and you smile a lot. You like to clasp your little hands together and look at them intently. You had your first tear and I took a picture. You also had a clogged tear duct which only lasted a couple days. You like to collect lint in between your fingers and toes. I am always cleaning it out! You like baths in the kitchen sink. You're very alert and follow people with your eyes.  On July 28, you weighed 10 lbs 10 oz and are 23 ½ “ long.

We celebrated your first 4th of July by walking to Good Neighbor Day in Downingtown, going to a BBQ at Aunt Tammy and Uncle Ryne's and watching the fireworks at Kerr Park. You didn't seem to mind them and slept most of the time. We had a family get together at Mom-mom and Pop-pops. You met Uncle Fred and everyone got to take turns holding you. You also went to Nana and Pappy's house for the first time on July 12 for a family get together. We are having a great summer and have been to several mommy hang outs/play dates too. I am savoring these days at home with you!