Thursday, June 12, 2014

twins 2 month update

The twins turned 2 months on May 27!

Wow!  What a busy month!  We had lots of fun and took you lots of places.

Highlights of this past month:

April 20- Tyler legit smiled at me for the first time!  Melted my heart.
May 2 - I (mommy) went to Target by myself and left you at home with Daddy.  It was my first time away from you - just for a couple hours!  Then we got dressed up and went to see Matt and Kate Taylor get married - your first wedding!  You were well behaved (slept in your car seats most of the time) and we had a great time!

May 6 - I met up with friends Amber, baby Emma, Jordan, & baby Archer at the Struble Trail in Downingtown.  This was my first time going out of the house by myself with you both.  It was only a 1 mile drive but still felt like an accomplishment!  We had a great time walking the trail and took a break on the grass to rest and feed you all.  :)

You've had lots of visits from Nana and Pappy.  They come once a week and spend the day visiting you and helping me around the house.  Mom-Mom also comes to visit frequently.

May 8 - This was your first outing to a store.  We went to Home Depot with Nana and Pappy and got some planters and things for the house.  A few people stopped to admire you and talk about someone they know with twins.  You sure get a lot of attention anywhere we go!

May 10- I played my first wedding gig in Philly and left you with Daddy.  It was a stressful day because the car broke down on my way and I had to come back home to switch vehicles.  Thankfully I left extra early and wasn't too far from home.  It was also storming pretty bad and there was lots of traffic.  A tree was down in a lane on 76 which really slowed things down and I was almost late to the gig.  I really didn't think I was going to make it but I got there in the nick of time!  *phew!*

You started sleeping a little longer at night - a couple 4 hour stretches.  You nurse every 2-3 hours during the day.  You don't often nap together during the day.  You use the bouncer seats, activity mat and swing but are not really interested in the toys yet.

May 11 was my first Mother's Day.  It was the most special one to date - obviously!  I got cards from you and Daddy, a dozen red roses, and a necklace with your initials and birthstone.  I love it!  We went to church for the first time and it was great to introduce you there.

May 13 - Kyle started smiling at me in the mornings.  Melts my heart!  Smiling is still infrequent so when I catch one it's precious!
May 17 was another BIG outing for us.  We drove to Penn State University (~3 hour drive) to see your Uncle Daniel commissioned into the Marines.  It was very special.  We went to the ceremony, then out to lunch, and got a walking tour of campus from Daniel.  It was a long day but we are so glad we went!  We are so proud of Dan!  I had to pump and bottle feed you in the car while we were driving so I never really got a break/rest.

May 18 - I went to a friend's wedding ceremony while Mom-Mom and Aunt Tammy watched you.  I was only gone a couple hours.  I fed you right before I left and got home in time to feed you again.  I have short windows of time I can be away from you.  But I missed you even in that short time!
May 22 was my students' Spring Orchestra Concert.  I went to the morning concert at General Wayne Elementary.  It was so much fun surprising the kids and seeing them!  They all did a great job!
May 23 - I somehow made it to GWES at 8:00am with the twins to go to my friend Amanda's baby shower.  It was so fun seeing all the teachers and having them meet you!
May 26 was Memorial Day.  We decided to have a last minute cook out and ended up having a nice turn out with friends and family.  The weather was perfect and we enjoyed hanging out in the yard in the shade until dark!  Here's a photo of you with Archer and James.  It's so fun having friends with babies around the same age!

May 27 - You are TWO months old!