Thursday, September 11, 2014

twins 5 month update

Twins 5 month update!  (July 27-Aug 27, 2014)

You are getting so big! We have gotten you to laugh more. Your laugh is more low and growly sounding. You are smiling a lot! I love your gummy smile and how your eyes squint.  It's hard to catch on camera though.  Your hands are always moving and grabbing, even when nursing. You are sometimes difficult to nurse because you get distracted and would rather look around. You are grabbing your toys so much more and are able to reach them better. I was surprised the one day when I left you on your playmat and when I came back you had done a 180!
You love to look around and sit up (being held or in your Bumbo seat). At 4 1/2 months, you started rolling to your side but not over. You started using your feet to play with your toys too! You started putting everything in your mouth and tasting all your toys and books. Sometimes you help to hold your bottle. I caught you stealing Tyler's lion Wabbanub a few times too. Haha He was not too happy! You are able to put your pacifier in your mouth all by yourself. You recently discovered your feet and will grab them too. On August 24 you rolled from your back to your belly! 3 days later, you were rolling from back to belly and belly to back consecutively! You love rolling over, even when you're swaddled in your crib. I have been finding you on your belly in the morning and sometimes you wake yourself up. You are still sharing a crib with Tyler but probably for not much longer. You weighed 12 pounds, 6 ounces on your 5 month birthday (August 27). You are wearing 0-3 month clothes.

You still like to put your hands up by your head when you're relaxing or eating. You started sitting in your Bumbo seat for short periods of time. You are holding your toys and sometimes help hold your bottle. On August 15 you rolled from belly to back 4 times in a row! But then you didn't do it again for a couple weeks.  It is so cute how you look at your hands. You like to put your thumb on your pacifier or lion's head and stick your fingers straight up in the air. You also like to put the soles of your feet together. It is funny and adorable.
I caught you holding your bottle with both feet once. You also started using your feet to touch your toys on the bouncy seat. You roll from your back to side. You aren't quite rolling all the way over yet but will be any day! You weighed 12 pounds on your 5 month birthday (August 27). You are wearing 0-3 month clothes.

tummy time

Other highlights:
You visited with a couple of mommy's best friends from college.  

Rachel (with Kyle), Joy (with Tyler), & Ashley (with Christian)
 Mommy's best friend Carrie from high school visited to meet you guys too!  

You went on your first vacation!!! We drove to Outer Banks, North Carolina. You both were fantastic travelers. We drove from 4pm-12pm, 8 hours with 2 stops and you slept most of the way. We took you to the beach 4 times and in the pool 1 time. You didn't care for the water but you were great at relaxing under the umbrella! People always comment on how chill you both are. The drive home was about 10 hours. We had to stop more often because you were pretty fussy.  It was a great vacation!

Family photo at the bay

First time in the pool



I (Mommy) went back to work on August 25. You are in good hands at home with Daddy and your grandparents. I wasn't sure how I was going to feel going back to work and was in denial up until the night before. When it finally hit me, I bawled! I cried myself to sleep. But I also felt the prayers of family and friends and had the support of other mommy teachers which helped a lot. I know it will be okay.  Sean brought you to visit me at lunch my second day back and the rest of the week went smoothly.

story time before bed