Wednesday, December 31, 2014

twins 9 month update

(Nov 27-Dec 26)

Another month of milestones and fun! You are both expert crawlers and are turning into little boys and less baby. Are you really just 9 months old?!  I'm predicting you'll be walking before a year! You celebrated your first Thanksgiving and Christmas and attended a few parties like watching the Old Fashioned Christmas Parade in West Chester at a friend's apartment and Uncle Dan and Aunt Haley's engagement party. Mommy and Daddy also had a babysitter and went out together for the first time to your Uncle Nick's 21st birthday party. You were well behaved and slept and we had a really fun time!

Old Fashioned Christmas parade
Dan and Haley's engagement party
You play in your play-yard a lot and always seem to end up in the same spot, wanting the same toy or stealing each other's Wabbanubs. You enjoy individual playtime and attention too (when you get it). You love to pull up on the sides of the gate and stand! We had to lower your cribs the whole way down too.  I started bathing you together which is fun.  The logistics get tricky though and to be safe I have only done that when Daddy is there to help.
first bath together
before we lowered your cribs
Meeting Santa for the first time.

You have a special high pitched squeal which means you see your kitty Nala. You also have a Zombie-like growl (your Uncle Jon loves that). You “talk” back at us and things. You love to blow raspberries and mimic. If Tyler coughs, you will fake cough. You sometimes breathe loudly through your nose or pant when you get excited. You started sitting on your knees, crawling everywhere, pulling up on everything, clearing the coffee table of whatever is on it, you just starting cruising a little too. You discovered how to crawl up and down the step to the kitchen very quickly. You have also climbed one stair to the upstairs. You will let go while standing to see how long you can balance before plopping on the floor (usually 1-3 seconds).

You pucker your lips (your cousin Josie would do this duck face when she was your age).

You also cross your hands and make a chubby face by pulling your shoulders up and pulling your chin back when you don't want any more food.
On December 1 you cut your first tooth (bottom left). Later that month you cut your second bottom tooth. You rip your bibs off now. You make feeding time messy by blowing raspberries after I give you a spoonful of food!

Unfortunately we dealt with a lot of illness this month. You had a fever and double ear infection on Dec 12. You also had a cold. You are a trooper though and still slept really well most nights despite the discomfort.

I love how you smile with your eyes. You weigh about 18 lbs.


(I don't know why the font is SO small!!! I keep trying to fix it & it won't change. ugh.)  
My little guy. Everyone comments on your fluffy hair that sticks up. You have such a sweet face!  You started out with a “hobble” crawl but it only took a couple weeks to master actual crawling. You used to be more content staying in one spot but now you enjoy exploring. You “talk” a lot and make “dadada” “mamama” “bababa” sounds. You laugh easily when tickled or when I make faces at you. You like to puff out your cheeks and blow air.  You started sitting on your knees, crawling, pulling up on everything, and clearing the coffee table of whatever is on it.  You go up and down the step into the kitchen also (after watching Kyle) but you usually fall/roll down. 

Unfortunately you also dealt with some illness this month. You had a cold/fever and didn't sleep well in your crib so you sleep in our bedroom a few nights in the rock and play. You weigh about 16 lbs.

Your first holidays were special even though you are too young to know what's going on. We tried to show you how to open gifts on Christmas but you weren't interested! You got diapers and a few clothes and toys from family members. You also got lots of your cousin Josie's toys from when she was your age. You're having fun with your new more advanced toys!  Happy 9 month birthday my loves!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Twins 8 month update

Twins 8 month update!  (October 27- November 27)

 The day Kyle turned 7 months old, he started creeping forward on the carpet to get a laptop cord.  Oh boy, here we go!

First Halloween!
We were out of town so we didn't do anything but put these Halloween sleepers on them.

Friendsgiving with your buddy James (and his mom Allison)!

On Nov. 1 I noticed Tyler had two bottom teeth!  I didn’t even realize they were about to pop through.  He wasn't any more fussy than normal.  No teeth for Kyle yet.

The boys love to watch their cat Nala and laugh at her.  
They take baths in the tub now on their turtle sponge and love the water!
Tyler started sleeping on his side and belly, like Kyle does.
We are using sleep sacks instead of swaddles and the boys move around in their cribs more.  They sleep from about 8pm-6am.  So thankful for that!!!  If they wake up, we put their pacifiers in and they fall back asleep.

Nov. 20: Kyle started crawling on his hands and knees.  He’s been improving his skills since.

Discovering leaves for the first time.


Nov. 26:  The boys’ first snow.  We only got 2-4” of heavy wet snow so it wasn’t ideal to go out in, but we got a few pictures.

Kyle also pulled himself up to stand in his crib so we lowered it a notch.


They are definitely getting more active.  Kyle especially is always moving and trying to get somewhere.  As Sean said, he went from being a potted plant to a rugrat!  He’s been very happy and smiles a lot.  He's having fun and is proud of himself!  Tyler is still a "potted plant" much of the time but will rock on his hands and knees a little and roll around.  He also loves to bounce.  They love the jumper-exersaucer.  They can go from sitting to on their bellies.  Tyler loves to sit at his piano and Kyle will kneel on the opposite side and they both bang on it.

8 month well visit.
Kyle: 17 lbs, 1 oz. and 27 1/2" long.

 Tyler: 15 lbs, 12 oz. and 27 1/2" long.

They are in 6 mo. clothes, size 3 diapers. 



Thursday, November 6, 2014

Twins 7 month update!

(September 27-October 27)

Kyle and Tyler started sitting on their own this month, eating solids (purees), and are happy boys! When we put them down on their backs, they immediately flip onto their bellies. They spin around in circles on their bellies, playing with toys. They get up on their hands and knees and rock back and forth. Kyle started doing this first and does it more often than Tyler. Kyle also sticks his arms straight out and kicks his legs – only his belly touches the floor. He constantly turns over on the changing table now too. They are sitting up better every day. We put the boppys around them to support them and cushion any falls. Kyle also started doing a fake cough for attention and his cry sounded like “dada” a few times. Tyler likes to slap his hand on things – the table, a book, almost anything. Future drummer? It's really cute.  Tyler sometimes pants like a dog and screams really loud when he's excited.

We went to Ikea and Kyle used a high chair for the first time and loved it!
The boys wearing their sweaters that were hand-made by Sean's cousin Helene's grandma.

We took the boys to Highland Orchards one evening to get photos with pumpkins.

Even in just one month...they change so much and are doing new things or improving their skills. We started food when they turned 6 months old. Tyler didn't like it the first few times but after about a week or so – he was a pro. Kyle loved eating from the beginning.

Oct 5: We separated the twins for the first time.  I went to a friend's baby shower and grocery store with Tyler, and Sean went to Buffalo Wild Wings with Kyle and then to Ryne's to watch football.  It felt so weird to only have ONE baby but it was SO much easier!  

Oct 9: Our friends from church who moved to CA last summer were in town We got to hang out and have all of our babies together for the first time!  It was so special!  

Oct. 12:  We went to Kerr Park for the first time.  
First time in a swing!

Now that it is getting colder and they have outgrown their swaddles, we just switched to sleep sacks. Having their arms free does help because they can put their pacifiers in their own mouths.  Recently, Kyle has preferred sleeping on his side. He will fall asleep on his left side, pacifier in mouth. It's SO cute.    He is usually on his belly in the morning.  Tyler likes to sleep on his back and will often watch himself in his crib mirror until he falls asleep.

Oct 21: The boys had their first bath in the bath tub (not kitchen sink) when Nana and Pappy were here. I have since used the infant tub in the bath tub to give them baths one at a time. They like to splash in the water.

My sister and her husband had a Harvest party so we dressed the boys up in their costumes.  Charlie Brown and Linus. :)  

We are also SUPER excited that they will be getting a new cousin in February and my niece Josie will be a big sister!!

We are absolutely loving this stage (and have loved every stage)! They are rolling, sitting up, eating, playing (and not too mobile yet) and are just so much fun! :)

At 7 months old, Kyle weighed 16 lbs, and Tyler weighed 14 lbs 12 oz.  

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Twins 6 month update!

Twins 6 month update!

I can't believe it's been half a year since you were born! I don't realize how much you've changed until I look back at the photos and videos from the first few weeks.  We are so blessed to be your mommy and daddy! It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.

On August 31st, we had your baby dedication at East Gate Church. It was so special! Your friends Archer and Emma were also dedicated.  Willow and Sue spoke about the meaning of your names, what they saw for you, and prayed over you. Jamie also spoke and prayed over you.
Baby Dedication

Kyle Benjamin...Your name means Victorious, From the Strait, and Son of my right hand. Spiritual Connotation or Character Qualities: perceptive insight and mighty. Some words for you are that you will teach about spiritual warfare and setting captives free. 1 Cor 15:57 “Thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Proverbs 15:33 “The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom, and before honor is humility.” Psalm 18:35 “You have also given me the shield of your salvation; your right hand has held me up, your gentleness has made me great.”

Kyle tucking in his bottom lip.

Tyler Owen...Your name means tile maker, mighty warrior, distinguished. Spiritual Connotation or Character Qualities: Resourceful, pleasan to look upon. 2 Tim 4:2 “...preach the Word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.” Mark 11:24 “So I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” 2 Samuel 23:4 And he shall be like the light of the morning when the sun rises, a morning without clouds, like the tender grass springing out of the earth, by clear shining after rain.

You will both play several instruments and minister together in the Word and music. Many will call you “dynamic duo”.

Family who attended church were Parke, Sharon, Nate, Josie, Mike, Lynn, Ryne, Tammy, and Nicky. We had lunch at Mike and Lynn's afterwards. More family joined us that afternoon and you got to see Ron, Lori, Reese, & Regan McClure, as well as meet Jon, Karen and Annalise Bennett.

On September 12 we finally separated you in two cribs. I kept putting it off because I loved having you together but once you (Kyle) started rolling and getting your arms out of your swaddle, you would sometimes wake up Tyler. Plus you are getting longer and are running out of room! You guys are doing great in your own cribs. I don't think you really care if you're together or not or if you even realize it! I added mobiles and crib mirrors too that you love looking at before you fall asleep.

Tyler is peeking from the crib behind Kyle. :)

We tried out the exersaucer for the first time and you guys like it! You also sit in your Bumbo seats for short periods of time. You like to sit up (but need held/supported or you'll topple over.)  You like to play on the floor on the activity mats or just with toys on a blanket. You like to roll on your belly and hold your head up to look around. You are getting stronger all the time and less frustrated with tummy time.  We've noticed that Kyle usually does something first, and Tyler is only days behind him in whatever the skill is.

You've started “blowing bubbles” with your lips/tongue. Kyle started a new cry and it sounds like he's saying “mama”.  We put the swings up on the tree outside for you and have used them a couple of times. The logistics of taking 2 babies outside to swing is a 2 person job!

You like playing in the water during bath time when I leave the faucet on in the kitchen sink. You are eating 6 oz. every 3-4 hours during the day. You sleep from about 8:30pm-6am. You are sleeping well but sometimes cry in the middle of the night. We just put your pacifier in and you fall back asleep. There was one night I was up 8 times but that is rare! A couple times a night is normal.  You had a great 6 mo. well visit.  Kyle weighed 14 lbs. and was 26" long. Tyler weighed 13 lbs, 6 oz. and was 25" long.  You made it on the percentile hart for weight for the first time (5% and 2%)!

Happy 6 month birthday!  We love you to the moon and back!  You bring us so much love and joy!

Wearing the sweaters that were handmade by Heleen's grandmother.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

twins 5 month update

Twins 5 month update!  (July 27-Aug 27, 2014)

You are getting so big! We have gotten you to laugh more. Your laugh is more low and growly sounding. You are smiling a lot! I love your gummy smile and how your eyes squint.  It's hard to catch on camera though.  Your hands are always moving and grabbing, even when nursing. You are sometimes difficult to nurse because you get distracted and would rather look around. You are grabbing your toys so much more and are able to reach them better. I was surprised the one day when I left you on your playmat and when I came back you had done a 180!
You love to look around and sit up (being held or in your Bumbo seat). At 4 1/2 months, you started rolling to your side but not over. You started using your feet to play with your toys too! You started putting everything in your mouth and tasting all your toys and books. Sometimes you help to hold your bottle. I caught you stealing Tyler's lion Wabbanub a few times too. Haha He was not too happy! You are able to put your pacifier in your mouth all by yourself. You recently discovered your feet and will grab them too. On August 24 you rolled from your back to your belly! 3 days later, you were rolling from back to belly and belly to back consecutively! You love rolling over, even when you're swaddled in your crib. I have been finding you on your belly in the morning and sometimes you wake yourself up. You are still sharing a crib with Tyler but probably for not much longer. You weighed 12 pounds, 6 ounces on your 5 month birthday (August 27). You are wearing 0-3 month clothes.

You still like to put your hands up by your head when you're relaxing or eating. You started sitting in your Bumbo seat for short periods of time. You are holding your toys and sometimes help hold your bottle. On August 15 you rolled from belly to back 4 times in a row! But then you didn't do it again for a couple weeks.  It is so cute how you look at your hands. You like to put your thumb on your pacifier or lion's head and stick your fingers straight up in the air. You also like to put the soles of your feet together. It is funny and adorable.
I caught you holding your bottle with both feet once. You also started using your feet to touch your toys on the bouncy seat. You roll from your back to side. You aren't quite rolling all the way over yet but will be any day! You weighed 12 pounds on your 5 month birthday (August 27). You are wearing 0-3 month clothes.

tummy time

Other highlights:
You visited with a couple of mommy's best friends from college.  

Rachel (with Kyle), Joy (with Tyler), & Ashley (with Christian)
 Mommy's best friend Carrie from high school visited to meet you guys too!  

You went on your first vacation!!! We drove to Outer Banks, North Carolina. You both were fantastic travelers. We drove from 4pm-12pm, 8 hours with 2 stops and you slept most of the way. We took you to the beach 4 times and in the pool 1 time. You didn't care for the water but you were great at relaxing under the umbrella! People always comment on how chill you both are. The drive home was about 10 hours. We had to stop more often because you were pretty fussy.  It was a great vacation!

Family photo at the bay

First time in the pool



I (Mommy) went back to work on August 25. You are in good hands at home with Daddy and your grandparents. I wasn't sure how I was going to feel going back to work and was in denial up until the night before. When it finally hit me, I bawled! I cried myself to sleep. But I also felt the prayers of family and friends and had the support of other mommy teachers which helped a lot. I know it will be okay.  Sean brought you to visit me at lunch my second day back and the rest of the week went smoothly.

story time before bed